Recreation Area

he Board, in accordance with Article VII, Section 1(a) of the Association’s Bylaws, has adopted a policy for the use of the community’s recreation facilities within its Common Area.

Recreation Area Use Policy

The Board of Directors of the Ashburton Manor Homeowners Association, in accordance with Article VII, Section 1(a) of the Association’s Bylaws has adopted the following policies for the use of the community’s recreation facilities within its Common Area.

For purposes of this policy, the “Recreation Area” includes the tennis courts, paved parking lot, tot lot, and multipurpose (basketball) court.

General Policy for Use of Recreation Area:

  • The Recreation Area is for the sole use of Ashburton Manor residents and their guests only.
  • Guests must be accompanied by an Ashburton Manor homeowner while using the recreation area, including the tennis courts.
  • Group commercial activities in the Recreation Area are prohibited (e.g. group tennis lessons).
  • Residents and their guests are responsible for picking up and disposing of their trash following the use of the Recreation Area.
  • Use of the HoA Common Area and facilities is at the risk of the individual.

Tennis and Pickleball Court Access

Please email the HoA at to obtain the new combination.
The gate closest to the parking lot is now permanently closed – access to the courts is through the gate next to the playground only.
Please lock the courts after each use. We’re now tracking who has the combination to limit the use of the courts to residents only and to reduce vandalism to the courts.

Policy for Use of Tennis Courts:

  • Tennis courts are available on a first-come, first-serve basis.     Use should be limited to one (1) hour if others are waiting.
  • Ashburton Manor residents using the tennis courts are responsible for ensuring the courts are locked after their use.     The tennis court lock code is intended to secure the courts for resident use only.  Residents are prohibited from sharing the tennis court lock code with others outside the community.
  • Only tennis shoes are allowed on the courts.
  • Cover the pickleball nets and move them to the side of the fence when not in use.
  • The tennis courts are to be used for tennis and pickleball only.     No: Pets, Bicycles, Skateboards, Skates, Rollerblades, or other non-Tennis Equipment.

There have been a number of cases of vandalism to the tennis courts, including marring of the court surface and damage to the nets.  Also, there has been dog waste found on the courts.  In order to keep the tennis courts in good shape, please remember to lock the gate(s) after use.

In order to unlock/lock the gates:

  • To unlock, dial in the combination and press in on the lock hasp for it to release.
  • To lock, change the combination dial to a number other than the actual combination and push in the hasp until set.