Annual Meeting

The Association conducts an annual meeting to provide HoA members with an overview of the Association’s activities, financial status, and upcoming events.  In addition, HoA members are encouraged to attend in order to ask questions of the Board and Management Company and to provide valuable input to assist in the success of HoA’s operations.

The Annual Meeting is typically held each Spring at Crossfield Elementary School.  The meeting date is set a few months in advance of the meeting and notices are sent out at least fifteen days prior to the meeting date.

The 2018 Annual Meeting was be held on May 7th, 7:00pm at Crossfield Elementary School. The Agenda and Materials are included below.

2018 Annual Meeting Materials

Annual Meeting Minutes

2017 Annual Meeting Minutes

2016 Annual Meeting Minutes

2015 Annual Meeting Minutes

2014 Annual Meeting Minutes

2013 Annual Meeting Minutes

2012 Annual Meeting Minutes

2011 Annual Meeting Minutes

2010 Annual Meeting Minutes

2009 Annual Meeting Minutes

2008 Annual Meeting Minutes

2007 Annual Meeting Minutes