
In accordance with Virginia’s Common Interest Community (CIC) Ombudsman Regulations (18 VAC 48-70), the HoA has adopted a complaint process to receive, consider and track complaints received by the Association regarding action, inaction, or decision by the Association (or its agents) that is inconsistent with applicable laws and regulations, regardless of whether such complaints were submitted by Association homeowners or by other persons.

Note that this complaint procedure is intended to address only a particular category of complaints—those concerning an Association action, inaction or decision viewed to be inconsistent with applicable laws or regulations. As such, this procedure is not to be followed in connection with routine complaints relating to the operational matters of the Association including but not limited to complaints about the condition or use of the Common Area, decisions of the Association Board of Directors or the Architectural Review Board , or violations to the Association’s Declarations or Bylaws (unless the Association’s action, inaction or decision is viewed to be inconsistent with applicable laws and regulations).  For more information about this mandated complaint procedure please go to the Virginia Common Interest Community Board website at

HoA CIC Complaint Process and Form

For all other complaints, including ARB related issues, and  the Association has established a complaint form in order to track any issues that a homeowner may be having with the community.  Please use this form in order to properly document and track any issues, and either e-mail of send the form to the Management Company.   Note that all HoA-related complaints must be accompanied by this form.

HoA Complaint Form